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Illustrationsdienste für Patentzeichnungen

Utility Patent Drawing

Utility Patent Drawings

Drawings in Patent helps to understand the utility of the patent. A properly rendered drawing only exhibit all the necessary details of the claimed parts of the invention.

Desillus Solutions Inc. not only provides patent drawings with the best quality but provides drawings as per the standard of the Patent and Trademark Office of the countries' own jurisdiction to avoid rejection.

Design Patent Drawing

Industrial Design IP Drawings

Unique designs are required in the Design Patent with all its views to get an idea of the shape and design of the product. 


Desillus Solutions Inc. provides design drawings with all the standard required views keeping consistency among them. Proper shading techniques are used to give a better appearance to the features of the product.

Desillus Engineering Services

Engineering Drawings & Drafting

An engineering drawing is a technical drawing representing a complex three-dimensional object in a two-dimensional format that includes all details and information necessary to manufacture the design successfully.


Desillus Solutions Inc. provides engineering drawings and drafting services.

Desillus Consultancy Services

Consultancy & Training

Desillus Solutions Inc. provides consultancy and training services on intellectual property patent drawings to many of our existing clients which helps them to avoid rejection during patent filing. Moreover, it helped to get granted a patent soon.

Training may be online or in person based on the client's requirements. In-person training is provided within or outside Canada.

Vorteile für die Kunden 

Your Requirement - Our Services - Your Satisfaction

At Desillus Solutions Inc. we believe in providing the best services to our clients and keeping our clients at a comfortable level with assured results by taking care of the following:

  • Konsistenz in allen Zeichnungen und Einhaltung der Patentgesetzgebung des Landes.

  • Verhindert die Zurückweisung des Patents aufgrund falscher Zeichnung.

  • Spart Zeit und Kosten durch zufriedenstellende Qualitätsarbeit.

  • Schnelle Reaktionszeit.

  • Stellt die pünktliche Lieferung von Projekten sicher.

  • Keine Kosten für Überarbeitungen, es sei denn, es werden neue Blätter/Inhalte hinzugefügt.

  • Behandelt die vom Patentamt zurückgewiesenen Fälle.

  • Beratung zur Vermeidung von Ablehnungen bei Zeichnungen.


Desillus Solutions Inc. would be highly obliged to get an opportunity to serve you.


Ausgabe bereitgestellt

Pdf |  AutoCAD |  Adobe-Illustrator | Visio

CAD File

Ausgabe bereitgestellt

Pdf |  AutoCAD |  Adobe-Illustrator | Visio

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